In this tutorial, we learn how to install laminate flooring in your home. First, you want to inspect all your flooring. Clean your floor and then remove baseboards around the room. Lay down your underlayment before you begin, then lay down your flooring where you would like it. As you snap the pieces into place, you can use a hammer and positioning tool to ensure they are tight together. After you do this, you may have to saw some pieces to make sure they all fit together. When finished, you...
Create your own spinning picture frame with just a few dust-collecting items in your home! This video from Nextraker will show you how to build this interesting three-way picture frame, consisting of 6 open photo slots. You can simply put it on a hard surface, or you can make it spin 'round and 'round with a CD spindle.
In this tutorial, we learn how to grout tile in your custom tiled shower. First, you need to score away anything in between the seams of the tile. Now, grab a bag of sanded grout mixture and grout enhancer. Next, wash the surface of the tile with a damp sponge to take off any impurities. Then, mix half the bag with half the enhancer and stir until combined. Use a tool to rub the mixture onto the walls and leave it on for 15-20 minutes. Now, go over the area with the mixture and go over it with...
Do you have a really small room? That sucks. All is not lost though, there are some easy, cheap ways to make small rooms seem bigger. Watch this video to learn how mirrors, wall paint, and furniture choices can all make your room look and feel bigger.
Color wheels are fantastic little tools that tell you whether colors are complementary or not. If you're designing a room and want to make sure your walls and other decorations work together, check this video out and learn how a color wheel can help you design a harmonious room.
Stone statues and fireplaces are distinguished and classical. Are yours old, chipped, and dirty? Check this video out. It will show you how to paint stone so that it comes out smooth and beautiful, giving a colorful new look to your stone antiques.
If you have an endless supply of purses and a limitless supply of wall empty wall space, it's about time you made some DIY purse racks. In this video, you'll see a very easy (and cheap) way to hang all of your purses (and please your boyfriend). For this DIY purse rack, you'll need some coat and hat hangers (hooks), feather boas, screwdriver and a tape measure.
Non-slip bathroom stickers in the images of flowers and other kitschy images were big in the 1970's. If you've moved into an old place that still has them and want to remove them, watch this video to learn how to do it.
Seashells are beautiful and free, which makes them great for using in your craft projects. This video will teach you two quick, easy ones: making a beach in a bottle and a clay pot decorated with paint and seashells.
Painting straight, even accent lines on a wall (or racing stripes on a car for that matter) can be infuriating, but there are some tools and tricks that can make it much easier. This video will show you how to use a wide-angle level and one simple trick with paint tape to make sure your accent lines come out perfectly straight and without any smearing.
Painting a pattern on your hardwood floor can be a great way to give it some flair without ripping up the floor. This video will show you everything you need to know to measure out, mark, and paint a pretty diamond pattern on your hardwood floor yourself
Wallpaper is a big investment. It's one of the most visible pars of your home decor, and you're probably going to be stuck looking at whatever you get for a long time. This video will give you some tips of choosing the right sort of wallpaper (vinyl, paper, prepasted, etc.) and how much you should pay for decent quality product.
Walls looking a little drab and dreary? Try color washing your walls, a two-step process that'll give your walls a vibrant look. Pick out your color, prep your walls, do a base coat of the walls, and then apply glaze. It's very simple, and at the end of it, you'll have amazing looking walls that look vibrant and cheerful.
Wall sconces are a great way to give a room accent lighting. Do you find most of them a little too subtle though? Try making this bad boy. This video will show you how to make a custom wall sconce out of an old hubcap and a few brackets and screws. Quick, easy, and badass home decorating.
In this video, the editors at Good Housekeeping Magazine teach us how to decorate for the holidays quickly and easily. The first decoration you can do is to make a Minora. To do this, you will first take a glass candle holder and fill it up with green rocks until it's 1/3 of the way full. After this, place a tapered candle in it and keep filling with rocks until the candle stands straight. You can also purchase clear bulbs and fill them with a sprig of greenery and red beads. After this, close...
In this video, we learn how to install tile in your home using SimpleMat. SimpleMat is a double sided adhesive mat that is designed to set tile on an existing counter top. Adding tile is a very easy way to add value to your home or give it a quick face lift. To apply, first remove the back of the adhesive, then apply it to the surface. Next, you will remove the protective tile and you can start to lay down your tile to the adhesive. Press it down where you want them and adjust them if needed....
In this video, we learn how to update your living room. First, you can paint your living room with premium colors to give it a richer look. Crown molding will also change the look of the room after you paint. Window treatments will also give your home a nicer look, adding in dimension. Invest in table lamps, which will encourage your guests to sit down and relax. Also, changing the door to your dining room will add a classy touch as well! If you can afford it, upgrading the carpet will add a...
Bored with your wood floors? Want to trick your guests? Well then set yourself up with a faux rug! This video will show you the steps to not only painting it yourself, but creating the desired "fabric" effect in your paint.
Tired of boring solid or white walls? You don't have to pay for an expensive remodeling job! You can add some color and brighten up any room with this quick and helpful interior decoration tip. Use two or more colors to paint stripes on your walls and add a splash of color to any room.
Before taking on any big interior design project, you always want to make sure you have the right information. Especially with purchasing new drapes and curtains. This video will show you an easy way to obtain the correct measurements for different styles of curtains and drapes.
Over at Kitcsh-Nitsch, they have awesome artistic stickers you can use to decorate your home's walls, your grungy furniture or your soon-to-be hip car. You can do this with pretty much all vinyl stickers, so watch and learn… the same rules apply. Let your creativity drive you, and let this be inspiration!
Installing a backsplash in your kitchen is a great way to add a certain sense of style to the space. It can also prevent any kind of stains of taking place on the walls as well and it's easy to clean up.
If your kitchen needs to a face lift, the most common, and expensive, area to work on are the cabinets. Cabinets can give a certain feel to the room depending on what the style may be. Taking out cabinets from an existing kitchen may be easy, but installing them can be a bit more difficult.
If you're interested in changing the look of your home, as well as add value to it as well, the floors are a great place to start. Carpet, tiles, laminate flooring can all be great options, but hardwood flooring is always a smart option. Hardwood floors deliver a certain look and feel that may not be attainable by other flooring options and can make any home look new.
In this tutorial, we learn how to design a fall centerpiece in a watering can for a home. Start off by cutting branches off of a willow and placing it into a watering can. Next, arrange Japanese lanterns around. After this, cut alstromeria and seeded eucalyptus and place them around the can where you feel they fit best. The best part of this arrangement is that you can arrange it however you want! You can add different types of fall flowers and add more or less of flowers you prefer. When...
In this tutorial, we learn how to make a window valance. If you have a drop down shade, a valance will help cover up the hardware that is located underneath it. Start out with your choice of fabric, then add in 1 inch to the top, bottom and sides. Next, line the fabric and place Velcro on the top. Now, use a wrap around and mark where you want to fold the fabric in at. After this, sew the valance and then use the Velcro to stick it onto the metal part of the drapes. When finished, enjoy your...
Choosing paint colors for the living room or wallpaper for the bedroom can be tough. How do you know you won't get sick of it? Well, this video will help you choose the colors that will fit you best. Learn how to choose colors that you won't get tired of in your home. If you're looking for a magical color palette, forget about it. Everyone gets tired of the colors of their clothes, and some people weary of their hair color. That's only natural. So the bottom line is: decorating with color isn't...
In this tutorial, we learn how to make a lampshade out of plastic cups. First, you will need to purchase clear plastic cups and use a stapler and tape. To start, lay your cups on the ground with the bottoms facing up. Now, take your tape and tape the cups together two at a time, then connect all the cups in a circle. Next, use your stapler to staple the cups together, going two at a time. Start adding more cups around the circle of original cups using the stapler. After you get to two cups wide...
In this tutorial, get some helpful hints that will help you maximize your space and create an elegant design scheme for your home. This video from Fine Living will show you how to spruce up your dining room/kitchen combo so that it really stands out.
This video tutorial is in the Home & Garden category which will show you how to light up your ceiling without recess lighting. Tamara Maslar shows two easy lighting projects to brighten up your living room. The first project is lanterns. You will need paper lanterns, assorted fabrics, some screws with hooks at the ends, a glue gun with sticks, fishing line, 40W bulbs, extension cords and light kits. Put three screw hooks on the ceiling. Prepare the lanterns by fixing the bulbs to the light kits...
In this tutorial, we learn how to refinish and paint cabinets. Start off by grabbing a fresh brush and dipping it into your favorite color of paint. Next, brush the outer edge of the cabinets, brushing off the corner instead of in the corner, which will create a mess. Now, paint the entire outside of the cabinet, making sure to paint more heavily in the parts of the cabinet that has gaps and creases in it. Next, apply a new layer but paint very smoothly so you don't get any bubbles or brush...
If you have a basement that needs some remodeling, one area that you should focus on is the ceiling. A bare ceiling can reveal wires and other things that bring down the look of a space. But adding ceiling tiles to the space can do so much.
If you want to renovate a kitchen easily, one of the best options is to keep your existing cabinets and either paint or stain them. This can save you a ton of money. But of course in order to do this, you'll have to remove the cabinet doors.
If you're looking for your bathroom to be a bit more shiny, you might want to look into installing a stainless steel vanity. If you don't have the money to buy it, you can easily cover your existing one using a foil that gives off the look of stainless steel.
In order to remove wallpaper easily, you will need the following: a scoring tool, liquid concentrate, and a putty knife.
Score the wallpaper with your scoring tool. Move your hand in a circular motion. The scoring will allow the concentrate to be absorbed. Spray the wall with the wallpaper stripper concentrate. This will dissolve the glue. Coat the wall well. Allow the solution to sit for 15-30 minutes. Begin removing the wallpaper at a seam. Slip the putty knife between the wall and...
In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to make a Hello Kitty princess mirror. The materials required for this project are: epoxy glue, tweezers, pendants, gems and a plain mirror. If the mirror has a logo, you can remove it by rubbing over it with some nail polish remover. Begin by mixing the epoxy. Then stick the Hello Kitty pendant and a pearl heart on the top cover of the mirror. Use a stick to apply the glue and tweezers to place the heart on the mirror cover. This video will benefit...
In this tutorial, we learn how to make a fall wreath for a door. First, find a basic wreath that has no decorations on it. Next, add leaves onto the wreath, around the entire circle, but don't fill it in the entire way. Now, add on fall leaves to the wreath with a hot glue gun or with pins if that is easier for you. If you need to cut the flowers, cut them from the base not from the stem, or you will have to purchase new flowers. After this, the final step is to add some fall flowers that match...
In this tutorial, we learn how to make a Japanese screen. First, cut your wood out and sand it down. Then, use a corner clamp to drill a hole in and screw the different sides together. Also use wood glue to help stick the pieces of wood together. Once your frame is assembled, sand the corners of it. Next, you will stain the wood with black Japan wood stain. You will only have to put one or two coats of this on, because the color is so dark. Now score notches onto the wood to allow your screen...
If you already have a dropped ceiling in your basement, but it needs a bit of sprucing up, this tutorial should help. If you're looking to change up the ceiling that might resemble an office, then you can do so easily.
Some people hate wallpaper, but some people love it inside their homes. Those that do will eventually have to deal with wallpaper that will lose it's attachment. It will eventually bubble and curl. Curling wallpaper seams ruin the decorative effect of wallpaper. Eliminate the ugly signs of aging wallpaper with these steps.
Home accidents. It's up to you to protect your family… your children… from accidents in the home. And there's one place that seems to get the most attention when dealing with safety concerns… The kitchen is one of the busiest, most accident-prone rooms in the house. Design a kitchen that will keep your family and guests safe.
If you are looking to create something that will keep the cold air out and the warm air in, a draft stopper may be a good idea. It's a great alternative to buying weatherstripping and can be made from scratch in your home.
When hanging a picture up on the wall, it's important to know exactly which is the right size for your wall. Choosing too small of a picture hanger can result in it being lost in the wall, while it being too big can result in an ugly looking hole.
They may not be one of the prettiest or nicest smelling things around, but toilet seats are important in any home. Not only do they make a toilet useable, but it helps keep certain things away from you and the surrounding area.
Painting your home can be a nightmare, involving lots of pre-planning, the perfect paint selection, sectioning unpainted areas with painter's tape, etc.
In this clip, learn how to stitch super simple items like bedsheets and use them as covers for your worn out sofa cushions. If your couch is looking dingy and old, follow along and give it a facelift. This quick fix will take less than five minutes per cushion and you will give you entire room a whole new look!
Some people may not realize it, but epoxy can do wonders to a garage floor. Not only does it make it more sturdier, but it makes it much safer for people to work in by offering a slip free finish. This tutorial will show you how to apply an epoxy sealer to your garage floor today. It can be an easy project to complete, but requires time and dedication. So good luck and enjoy!
Choosing which paint is right for your room, is easier than it is today than in the past. Instead of just using paint swatches to help determine what color your room should be, buying paint samples from the store is a great way to see quick results. There are some other methods, too, when trying to select the right wall color for your room, so check out the video to find out more. Enjoy!
You may not realize it, but choosing the right paint finish for any room in your home is just as important as the choosing the right color. The right finish can do wonders for a room and make life easier for you and others. So in this quick video tutorial, you'll be finding out the differences between the finishes and which is best for you. Good luck and enjoy!
Decorating a space can be a time consuming and frustrating experience for any homeowner or decorator. But once everything comes together, it makes all the pain worth it. In this tutorial, you'll find out some helpful tips for decorating the outside of your home using outdoor urns. So check it out and good luck!
During Christmas time, mantels are a great place to hang small trinkets and ornaments on. But how do would you get a good idea of decorating one. Well, in this tutorial, you'll find out from home and fashion designer, Tracy Porter, how to decorate a festive mantel in your home. So good luck and enjoy!
Decorating your home can be difficult for any first time home buyer. It requires patience, a good eye, and an idea of what kind of style(s) that you want to incorporate into your home. In this video tutorial, you'll be focusing on your windows and how to cover them using vintage curtains. So good luck and enjoy!
Decorating your home with a bunch of small trinkets and collectibles, can add a certain touch. Sitting rooms or areas are perfect places to store and keep these items. So in this video tutorial, you'll find out how to decorate those sitting areas in your home using certain items. So good luck and enjoy!
For some, this may be considered a "London" wall, but to others it's a wall that has some of the most important pieces of family treasures and art hanging on it. This tutorial will give you some tips on how to decorate your wall easily. Things like children pictures, art, and trophies can hang on this wall. So good luck and enjoy!
Wallpaper is totally outdated, isn't it? Have you ever moved into a new house and decided - yikes - this wallpaper HAS to go? We have all been there and in this tutorial, Lucky Larson will show you exactly how to get rid of those icky flowers or ugly stripes. Lucky uses enzyme spray and a simple putty knife to remove the paper in the easiest way possible.
In this video, learn how to make a cool, homemade corkboard for little to no cost. All you need is a hot glue gun, real wine corks and a board. This super simple board will look great no matter where you hang it and can hold onto pins, notes, photos and anything else you need a place to display.
Do you have tons of post-its and scraps of paper lying around? Is it overwhelming to sift through layers of papers just to find the newest note? If you have this problem, worry no more! In this tutorial, you will learn how to create your very own DIY chalkboard so that you can organize your notes and get rid of all the clutter!
In this video, Elizabeth Gleeson shows you how to make a super cheap and easy wall decal using contact paper from your local supermarket or WalMart. This is a great way to save money and get creative while adding style and substance to your home.
This quick informational tutorial, gives you some tips for transforming your old kitchen into something new and improved. You'll find out how different lighting can help create a better mood for the area, how certain faucets can be used to wash dishes and fruits and veggies, as well as find the right kind of flooring of countertop. So check it out and see if you agree with The Home Depot. Enjoy!