Interior Design How-Tos

How To: Give your boring old couch a sofa makeover

In this clip, learn how to stitch super simple items like bedsheets and use them as covers for your worn out sofa cushions. If your couch is looking dingy and old, follow along and give it a facelift. This quick fix will take less than five minutes per cushion and you will give you entire room a whole new look!

How To: Apply epoxy sealer to your garage floor

Some people may not realize it, but epoxy can do wonders to a garage floor. Not only does it make it more sturdier, but it makes it much safer for people to work in by offering a slip free finish. This tutorial will show you how to apply an epoxy sealer to your garage floor today. It can be an easy project to complete, but requires time and dedication. So good luck and enjoy!

How To: Select the right wall color for your room

Choosing which paint is right for your room, is easier than it is today than in the past. Instead of just using paint swatches to help determine what color your room should be, buying paint samples from the store is a great way to see quick results. There are some other methods, too, when trying to select the right wall color for your room, so check out the video to find out more. Enjoy!

How To: Choose the best paint finish for you and your room

You may not realize it, but choosing the right paint finish for any room in your home is just as important as the choosing the right color. The right finish can do wonders for a room and make life easier for you and others. So in this quick video tutorial, you'll be finding out the differences between the finishes and which is best for you. Good luck and enjoy!

How To: Decorate a festive mantel in your home

During Christmas time, mantels are a great place to hang small trinkets and ornaments on. But how do would you get a good idea of decorating one. Well, in this tutorial, you'll find out from home and fashion designer, Tracy Porter, how to decorate a festive mantel in your home. So good luck and enjoy!

How To: Decorate sitting areas in your home

Decorating your home with a bunch of small trinkets and collectibles, can add a certain touch. Sitting rooms or areas are perfect places to store and keep these items. So in this video tutorial, you'll find out how to decorate those sitting areas in your home using certain items. So good luck and enjoy!

How To: Decorate your wall with great family treasures

For some, this may be considered a "London" wall, but to others it's a wall that has some of the most important pieces of family treasures and art hanging on it. This tutorial will give you some tips on how to decorate your wall easily. Things like children pictures, art, and trophies can hang on this wall. So good luck and enjoy!

How To: Remove wallpaper with enzyme spray and a putty knife

Wallpaper is totally outdated, isn't it? Have you ever moved into a new house and decided - yikes - this wallpaper HAS to go? We have all been there and in this tutorial, Lucky Larson will show you exactly how to get rid of those icky flowers or ugly stripes. Lucky uses enzyme spray and a simple putty knife to remove the paper in the easiest way possible.

How To: Update your kitchen for cheap

This quick informational tutorial, gives you some tips for transforming your old kitchen into something new and improved. You'll find out how different lighting can help create a better mood for the area, how certain faucets can be used to wash dishes and fruits and veggies, as well as find the right kind of flooring of countertop. So check it out and see if you agree with The Home Depot. Enjoy!

How To: Install ceramic tile in your home

Installing ceramic tiles to your house is an easy way to add character. Many tiles come in a beautiful earthy pattern that looks great in kitchens and bathrooms. In this tutorial, you'll find out how you can add this great flooring to your home today. So check it out and good luck!

How To: Paint a home's interior walls

Painting may sound like a tough task, but in fact is really easy to do. Yes it's hard work, but in the end, you're left a beautiful looking room that makes your home feel more welcoming. In this tutorial, you'll find out how to paint a home's interior walls. It's something that can be done in less than a day so good luck and enjoy!

How To: Install a replacement window in your home

Renovating your home can bring new life into an old space. There are many areas to focus on when you're renovating your home. One of the best areas involves the windows. Many windows from the past, aren't as energy efficient and don't hold as much cold or warm air as the new ones today. So in this video tutorial series, you'll find out how to install replacement windows in your home today. It's a diffitul task that requires time and patience, but will result in a beautiful window in the end. ...

How To: Properly paint your home using a roller brush

Owning a home can be a great accomplishment for many men and women. Once you own it, you can do almost anything you want with it, even give it a new paint job. Now, painting is a fun and easy way to customize rooms in your home that may lack character, but it can be a tough job. This tutorial, presented by Lowes, will help show you how to properly paint your room using a roller brush and the right equipment. So good luck and try to stay clean. Enjoy!

How To: Put up a plaster ceiling

Doing some DIY-style renovations on your home? How about that ceiling? Need to retouch or put up a plaster ceiling? In this Storyteller video, learn about the nuts n bolts of putting up a plast ceiling and how to go about accomplishing this with your own two hands!

How To: Install a ceiling medallion in your home

If you're looking to add a bit of something to your home, you may have to just look up. In this video the people at HGTV are talking about installing a ceiling medallion. It's a great way to add character to your home and gives off a more sophisticated look. So check out this tutorial on how to install one. Enjoy! Install a ceiling medallion in your home.

How To: Use towel folding techniques to improve your bathroom

If you're looking for ways to improve the look of your bathroom, the answer may lay in the towels. Although some may think it's dumb, folding your towels a certain way can help improve the style of your bathroom and give off a sense of being clean. This tutorial will give you some adivce on how to achieve a clean look. Enjoy! Use towel folding techniques to improve your bathroom.

How To: Make a slip-free rug for your home

If you have laminate flooring, the great thing about it can be the cleanup and the look it brings to a home. But a disadvantage to having laminate flooring is that is tends to be slippery. This video tutorial will show you how to make your favorite rug slip-free using some easy to use material. Good luck and enjoy! Make a slip-free rug for your home.

How To: Install a kitchen tile backsplash

A kitchen is one of the most, if not the most, used areas of the house. Many people, young and old, venture here to find nourishment for their bodies. So, it's important to have a kitchen that not only works well, but looks great as well. Adding a tile backsplash is a great option and can help the inside of your kitchen tremendously. this video tutorial will show you just how to do it. Good luck and enjoy! Install a kitchen tile backsplash.

How To: Upgrade your flooring without spending a lot of money

There are various way to upgrade the flooring in your home yourself. There are tiles that you can purchase and save money by doing it yourself and it won't have you breaking your head on how to do it or your wallet. You can create a number of different designs even with carpet. Carpet tiles are available and you can stick them together to create a unique look for your home.

How To: Make a photo display board

This is a video about how to make the photo display board. You just need foam display board, fabric to cover the board, batting paper, pins, and some ribbons. First you have to cut the fabric about one half inch extra of the board to cover the board. Next you have to cut the ribbons upto 6 to approximately 21 inches long and cut one ribbon to hang the photo board. Next laying out the fabric on the table first. Next place the batting on the top of the fabric. Next take the foam board and place...

How To: Reupholster the seat of an old chair

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to reupholster the seat of a chair. Begin by taking the seat off the chair and remove the staples on the back of the fabric. Remove the fabric and cushion, leaving you with the wood base. With polstry foam, cut the foam out 1/8" larger than the board. With wool batting, cut the batting 4" larger than the board and then staple it to the board. Finish it by covering it with some decorative fabric. Cut the fabric 4" larger than the board and staple it on...

How To: Paint and distress furniture for a rustic look

In this video, Deana teaches us how to distress furniture. You will need the furniture you want to distress and then paint over it with green furniture paint in the parts you want to change. Apply the paint thinly and let it sit for 10-15 minutes, or until dry. Now apply your stain onto the green paint, then add distressing to any parts you want to change, then wipe off with a rag. Buff off all excess oil you have leftover and you're finished! You can use this technique to distress any of you...

How To: Mount a full-length mirror on a door

In this video, Mark Donovan shows us how to mount a mirror on a door. First, take the mirror and position it the height you want it located. Then, mark the top with a pencil and make sure the mirror lines up with lines on the door and it's in the center. Now, screw in the door attachments in the thickest part of the mirror. Attach the mirror and screw the screws so that the mirror is completely secure. Now, you can hammer in the screws to make sure they are completely attached to the door and...

How To: Build a suspended ceiling

Want to install a suspended ceiling yourself (perhaps enlisting the help of a construction-savvy buddy)? If you have the time and necessary tools (and provided your existing ceiling is structurally sound), the process is quite simple. This free DIY guide will walk you through the process from start to finish. Build your own suspended ceiling with this how-to.

How To: Tile a bathroom floor

If you want to change the look of a bathroom, giving yourself a brand new tile floor is a quick and fun way to go about it. It's also easy — that is, provided you can assemble all the necessary tools and materials: You'll need grout, cement board, cement board screws and tile as well as a wet tile saw, a mastic trowl, a grout trowl, a tape measurer, spacers, a hammer, a matte knife, a jigsaw, a cordless drill, a tile scraper, a bucket and a mixer. For complete, step-by-step instructions on re...

How To: Roll paint ceilings in your home

Paint A House demonstrates how to roll paint the ceilings in your home. To roll paint your ceilings, first paint the edges of the ceiling where it meets the wall. Then, make sure you have enough paint on your roller. Raise the roller to the ceiling, making sure that you stand to the side and a little bit backed away from the paint roller. Move the roller across the ceiling in a sideways motion. Don't walk forward with the paint roller to apply paint to the rest of the ceiling. Instead, back u...

How To: Make a wall clock out of spoons & a kitchen strainer

Why use a regular wall clock when you can have an awesome clock make out of spoons that you make yourself? Let your character show through or make a cheeky gift with this clock. You will have to buy a basic boring wall clock. Use the battery of the clock and attach it to a great metal strainer as the mount. Then use cut out a picture for the front ant but the hands back on. Glue some spoons on the back to complete the look, add a mount and your ready to enjoy telling time in a whole new way. ...